

Hi. My name is Sharon Cardenas and I’m just another average high school student. As every other senior I was planning my life after high school. I already had a set plan after high school and that was to go to community college and then to transfer a university of my choice to pursue a career in helping people so i chose  medicine.  My initial plan was slowly falling apart because I started to realize that there are many more careers I can pursue that help others. I came to this realization thanks to the PLA. The PLA has had many informational speakers who have opened my eyes to see how many different types of careers I can follow that also helps people.

Intellectual wellness
Intellectual wellness is the active participation in scholastic activities. This wellness involves understanding what has been taught in the classroom with real life experiences. In other words, incorporating the curriculum to something that usually happens in the real world. To use intellectual wellness at it’s full potential means to nurture creativity, curiosity and keep up with a lifelong of learning. Receiving a diploma does not mean that all your learning is done and over with.

To me intellectuality is learning something new everyday and learning stuff that I can and will incorporate or use in my everyday life. Intelligence is not only being book smart. Intelligence can be being “street smart”. Being street smart does not mean you are ghetto or anything of that sort. It means you know how to  see things for what they are and are able to see what needs improvement. It is actually living in the problem being affected by it so that you have experienced it which gives you intellectuality that other may not have.

Emotional Wellness

Being emotionally well means to be aware of our own feelings and understand why we feel this way.  We accept our feelings rather than deny them. After acknowledging our feelings the next step to being emotionally well is having an optimistic approach to life. Despite all the negativity that life can bring upon us, we should have hope and be confident that the future hold success for us. For a person headed towards this wellness they should be able to trust and respect commitments, but can also be independent yet appreciate the support of others.

In the next year I want to take what I know about emotional wellness and put it into practice. I want to look at life with a positive attitude and have better relationships with the people around me. I want to improve on my communication skills so that I can be understood and to understand others. The biggest dilema I’ve had this year is letting people support me and push me to succeed. That is something I will change in the next 12 months because I will look at it with a new perspective. I am now coming to the realization that the people around me only have the best interest for me. They are not pushing me to get stuff done because they want to bug.

I believe this wellness may be the hardest one to embrace because of my character. I am very hard headed and like to do things on my own time without anyones help. Although I am now realizing that changing my emotional wellness can help me feel better in the sense of not having to be so stressed and having support there when I feel like giving up.

Environmental Wellness

Living respectful to our surroundings is just the beginning of environmental wellness. Depending on your location there are many ways to respect and take care of your community. Anyone and everyone can start off by recycling, saving energy and volunteering with environmental organizations that help clean your community.

In the PLA we have been taking steps to improve on this wellness. For example, last year we were in a severe drought in California and the the PLA incorporated that into our curriculum. We were assigned a project where we had to think of ways to conserve water and/or how we can help get out of this drought. This project really helped a lot of students understand how this problem affects us all as a community.

Just how we’ve done in the past with taking in consideration our surroundings I plan on doing that in the near future. Since I am attending college this fall and will take a science class. I may want to do a project on what’s happening around me. What I mean by this is that I may have an opportunity to put my ideas into action. Instead of just writing about how I can help my environment I may be able to take actions. I can research and maybe do a lab on my ideas and actually make my mark in my community.

Spiritual Wellness

It is important to get intact with one’s values and personal beliefs  because they provide a purpose in our lives. Finding our purpose in life is essential because it motivates us to be someone and/or do something with our lives. Spiritual wellness is many things, it does not mean that you have to do yoga or meditate. Although that can help some people.

Spiritual wellness means being okay with one’s decisions and having a clear subconscious. It means  coming to means with your actions and reflecting on them. It is taking a step back and looking at your life. Are you happy with it? Do you want to change something about it? It is asking yourself these questions and taking action depending on your answer.

I know this year I did not do much to change the bad things I did not like about myself, but I want to change that for when I go to college. I want to be happy with who I am and with what I am doing.
Social Wellness

Social wellness is the ability to interact with others. This involves communication skills that enable you to get your message across and for your voice to be heard. This wellness is an important part of life because it helps you live in harmony.

I believe social wellness is an essential trait to have not only in a professional life if not in your everyday life. This trait can help all and any students in school. This wellness is probably the most important wellness that every person must practice to succeed in this world.

In the next year I may have to improve in the way I showcase this wellness. I have always been the type to stand up for myself and not be pushed around. I believe that everyone’s voice matters and that no one should be left behind. In this following year i also want to help those who can or will not stand up for themselves. I do not want to be their voice, I want them to make their own voice. I want them to be able to stand up for what they believe in.
Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness means to have a balance between work and time for yourself. It means being responsible when it comes to your actions during your free time. This is one of the most essential things when practicing this wellness. If you do not manage your actions on your free time it can affect your work life. This goes for your work life as well. If you are too focused on just work your life will pass by you and you won’t enjoy it. There should also be boundaries to separate your professional life to your personal life. This will help  manage and balance you.

This wellness is something I worry about in the next 12 months because I am going to college and I have heard about the craziest of parties. I want to be able to enjoy my youth while it last, and not have it affect my work life because yes I do plan on working while still going to school. I also want to be able to balance myself in finding time to study and do homework. This might be one of my biggest obstacles In the next year, but I am determined to work on it until I have mastered this wellness
Financial Wellness

This project was to write a letter to a customer who was applying to get a credit card.

Business Letter